
Our Products

Focused Services

Planning and Strategy

  • Assist in development and maintenance of the complete claims management program 
  • Analyze present risk program and determine gaps and areas of opportunity 
  • Select appropriate claims management program design 
  • Oversee and coordinate during the implementation phase 
  • Provide ongoing review and monitoring of the program

Workers Compensation

  • Work together with the employer to ensure all workers compensation claims are managed accurately, efficiently, fairly and timely 
  • Assist employer in completing First Report of Injury 
  • Coordinate the early and safe return to work process on behalf of the employer 
  • Provide reviews of employer Accident Cost Statements and NEER Statements to identify potential cost savings 
  • Oversee assignment to paralegal for appeal work


  • Provide independent claims auditing services tailored to the needs of the customer 
  • Offer a variety of audit products, from brief individual file review to in-depth audit with triangulation study and comprehensive report 
  • Identify strengths as well as opportunities to improvement performance 
  • Pinpoint leakage and work together to eliminate lost opportunities in the future

Casualty Claims

  • Claims Oversight Services
  • Litigation Management Services
  • Overflow Claims Adjusting